[KX0312C] Port Management and Operations   
定價 : NT$ 1,300
特價 : NT$ 1,235

Table of Contents:

  • 1 Introduction

  • 2 Connecting Hub Port Gateways to the Inland Infrastructure

  • 3 Port Management and Economic Growth

  • 4 Port Operations

  • 5 Port and Terminal Investment

  • 6 Ships’ Size, Ports’ Size: A New Era Ahead

  • 7 Strategic Alliances, Market Positioning, and Differentiation

  • 8 Key Performance Indicators as Tools of Strategic Planning and Management

  • 9 Leadership and Teambuilding

  • 10 Port Authorities and Regulatory Framework

  • 11 Ports as a Bridge to Maritime and Offshore Energy Activities

  • 12 The Future of Ports


作(編/譯)者 : BURNS 出版年份 : 2015
ISBN : 9781482206753 書號 : KX0312C
幾色 : 1 規格 : 精裝
發行公司 : TAYLOR & FRANCIS 英文書名中譯 : 港埠管理
頁數 : 406